Monday, February 22, 2010

$$ and Stewardship

I found it very interesting today that our Pastor's sermon focused on stewardship, since this post was to be about the financial part of adopting internationally. I was very encouraged and I felt another affirmation that we are doing as we should.

When Aaron and I first considered international adoption we knew that there would be a 'cost' but really didn't know what that would be. It didn't matter. We felt that this was what God was leading us to do, and that He was pointing us to Russia. So the decision to adopt two children from Russia was made before we even knew what it would cost.  We had spent a few years with the goal/desire to buy a $10,000 tractor - to which the money never materialized...and now we found out that our adoption was going to cost approximately $70,000. "Well that's sucky!" and "How in the world is that going to happen?" came to mind, but never did we reconsider adopting. I knew that God was going to make it happen because I couldn't dream of how we possibly could...and then I wondered if that is exactly why He led us to Russia. If we were adopting from a country where it would only cost $15,000 or so I know that I would have worked at figuring out how WE were going to save and make it happen. This way we had to step out in faith, trusting Him.

I know what many of you are thinking..."Did she say $70,000? Are they crazy? Maybe a typo?". Nope! Let me put this in perspective - I know many people who have spent that much on a truck or tractor! We are definitely getting an infinitely greater blessing - times 2! I also don't want to scare anyone away from adopting - as far as I have seen Russia is the most expensive, plus we are doing two at once which increases the cost a bit. Adopting one child from Haiti is approximately $18000, from China approximately $22000, from Ethopia approximately $25000, from the US starting at about $25000 and up depending on race, and from Russia approximately $45000, and there are so many more countries that I don't know about.

Where is all that $70,000 going?
-Some of it on gathering required documents (medical, police, psychological, immigration, passports, etc) approx $1,000
-Intn'l Adoption Course and Homestudy report done by a social worker, appr. $2,500
-Legalizing, translating, and courier fees for documents, appr. $8,600
-Agency fees, appr. $35,000 (would be $20,000 if we were doing one child)...ya, this one I wonder a bit about. They do all the co-ordinating in Canada and in Russia, like making sure that you have a driver, translator, and doctor (to check the children) in Russia. They help with visas and then recommend stuff like accommodations and travel agents. There is no getting around this fee - Russia requires that you use an 'accreditted' agency, which there are only 3 of in all of not much for competitive pricing!
-6 round trip airline tickets to Russia and 2 one-ways for the children, appr. $10,500
-about 30 days accommodations and meals in Russia, appr. $4,500
-8 doctor medical exam in Russia (for us), appr. $1,600
-Orphanage donation for caring for 2 children, appr. $10,000
-4 Post-placement reports done by social worker, translated and couriered, appr. $4,500
...and I am hoping to save a little here and there, which would bring us back down to $70,000!

So how are we doing financially? Really good of course because God is faithful! We have now paid almost $22,000 in expenses, and have another $5,000 saved. We applied for the only international adoption grant for Canadians that we know of, 'Orphan's Hope'...which the ab gov't told us not to count on because it is like a lottery...and were chosen to receive it - a nice $10,000 to go towards agency and travel costs! I am hoping to fund-raise the $10,000 orphange donation - which would leave only another $23,000 to go! Yes that is exciting to me!

Back to a few of Pastor's sermon points on stewardship:
-'Our goal should be to prove God's faithfulness'. In regards to giving to God faithfully Malachi 3:10 says "Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, " and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."
-'We must recognize that God is the owner of it all'
-'Because we are blessed we need to be a blessing to others'

Enough said :)

1 comment:

Lori-Dawn said...

I LOVE how faithful our Lord is!! When He plants a dream in our heart, we don't need to worry about making it happen! He will show us what we need to do and rest in Him to do the rest!
This applies to WHATEVER dream God has planted in our hearts! Because He doesn't change...EVER!
Bless you guys! This was such an encouraging post for me!