Thursday, June 3, 2010

Call to PRAYER!

So first for some good news. We have gotten Russian approval to proceed based on our finances. Also, our homestudy agency being on the 'blacklist' doesn't look like it will cause us trouble. And, WE GOT PICTURES! I had looked on the Russian database and made my best guess as to who the boys were based on their ages...came up with 3 pictures of absolute cuties...and then later found out my guess was right when a family who has just gotten back from that same orphanage had pictures of the boys which were then passed on to us! I have modified the pictures, so here is a peak :)

(Pictures deleted for now at request of agency)

So cute eh!? That is if you ignore some of their attire...

Now about the 'mountains'. So if you refer to the previous posting, mountain 2 and 3 are gone. I am currently trying to climb mountain 4. It is mountain 1 that we need God to move. This is what I ask you to pray: first, that we get provincial approval to adopt three children, and second, that it happens quickly. We just found out that IF we get approval soon, we can have the boys examined by a Designated Medical Practioner on June 22. It is my best guess that we have this opportunity even though the region is technically blind (where you can't get info on the children until you are in Russia) because another family with our agency will be there meeting their referral and would be getting her examined then. So, if we miss this window we likely won't get any medical info on the boys until we travel to Russia.

Thanks so much, and I'll keep you posted!


Lori-Dawn said...

Totally excited and praying for you guys! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Well Christine... looks like you will have to change your blog name to '3 growing in my heart'. I have had you and your family in my thoughts lately and I know that God will do exactly his will. His plans are so much better than our own aren't they?