Friday, October 22, 2010

Here We Go!

Long time with no posts once again....but what is there to say when you are just waiting, and waiting? In some ways it was nicer than the paperwork stage because I didn't have the stress of gathering and waiting for tons of documents over my head. But, some days I just began to wonder if the call to travel was EVER going to come, especially before all the paperwork expired again....and not knowing often would lead to feelings of sadness over the time we have already lost with these darling boys - a total of almost eight years of experiences and time if you add up their ages. BUT, now it feels like the end is actually in site!

As many have already heard, WE GOT THE CALL TO TRAVEL! Russia here we come! Yesterday morning brought the news that we are to be in Russia the morning of Nov 9th! That is 19 days notice, which already seems to be flying by...only 10 more business days until we leave...which we will need every one of in order to get our tourist visa's back in time. With the call came a huge feeling of excitement, thankfulness, some surrealism, and stress with getting our visa applications done and back. This amount of notice feels perfect - fast enough that I don't feel that more time is simply being missed with them, and just long enough to get everything together and ready to go.

So we will likely fly out on the 7th in order to arrive at our destination in time. We will be picked up at the airport and then wisked off to the Ministry of Education where we will officially receive the referral on the boys. After that I believe we will be headed to the orphanage! I am sure it will be one of the longest days of my life with the time change and flight half way around the world, and am certain I will be desperately yearning for a shower and fluffy bed.

I can't wait to meet the boys, but am really not 'expecting' any sort of reaction from them. We will be strangers to them that hardly can even speak Russian. There may be crying, they may be terrified, or they may be excited to have someone to give them so much attention and play-time. The Albertan family that took the pictures we have of the boys back in June had an 'interesting' time with their referral. Their little girl was so scared that she wouldn't be alone with them, let them touch her, or ever smile for all of their first trip and most of their second. They understood her feelings though, kept strong, and had compassion on her - and once she was legally their daughter and they were able to leave to start to make the trek home, a 'switch flipped' in her and she changed into a happy three year old. I could honestly even see the difference in the pictures they posted on their blog, and it makes me tear up! It is my best guess that it wasn't until they were leaving with her that she finally felt secure in that they really were going to be her forever family. I hope for an easier time than what they experienced, but know that their story will help to keep our spirits up if it is a 'rough start' with the boys.

We also got a little bad news today. I was thinking from other's past experiences that our court date would come about a month after our first trip, so around mid December. When I was talking with our agency today, though, they informed me that their rep in Russia figures we won't get a court date until the end of January ....but God is bigger! So I invite everyone to pray for a quick court date, a smooth process, and for us to remain in good spirits and see God's leading in all situations. Thanks so much for your prayers, love, support, and excitement!

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